My staff member does not have an email address, can they still take training?

Yes, although each email address can only be used 1 time within the Compliance portal, if you have staff who do not have their own email address, you can still assign training to them without an email address.

Yes, although each email address can only be used 1 time within the Compliance portal, if you have staff who do not have their own email address, you can still assign training to them without an email address.

If your staff do not have their own email address, you can use their full names or their First Name.Last Name.

adding an employee

Please note that you will not receive emails for each of your employees, however the employee certificates will be accessible via the portal.

To print training certificates:

  1. Go to the Training Tab, the Administration sub-tab
  2. Scroll down to select the employee's name
  3. After selecting the employees name, a drop down screen will appear with the employee's training history and an option to view/print completed training certificates
