How do I use a No. of Items/Services Allotted for Calendar Month pickup rule?

Bill customers based on a total number of items/services for the month.

We highly recommend that any customer who needs to be billed based on a total number of items/services for a month is billed monthly and is assigned to the Monthly w/ Allotment billing cycle. All items/services for manifests for a calendar month will be added together to obtain total numbers for the month.

When monthly allotment charges are involved and you are approving manifests for billing, a line item with no price will appear that acknowledges the existence of this monthly allotment type of billing. When creating invoices, make sure all manifests for the month have been approved, and make sure that no other related services will be performed for the customer for that month, as the monthly allotment charge is based on a total count. When creating invoices, this type of billing is dependent on the "from" and "to" dates that are entered. An entire month needs to be covered by the "from" and "to" dates as a signal to the system of your intentions for the monthly billing to kick in.

If you want to bill more frequently than once per month, using weekly billing as an example in this paragraph, you can do so, as manifests can be billed whenever while still being part of a monthly allotment charge to be billed later. This would assume that you have other rules in place, beyond the monthly allotment rules, that would result in charges on the weekly invoice. If billing weekly, just make sure that the "from" and "to" date that you enter in order to bill do not cover the entire month. For instance, if you want to bill weekly, only enter the dates of the week you are billing, and that will prevent the monthly allotment charge from applying itself. After you have finished all services for the month for that customer, and have generated a few invoices, you can then put in "from" and "to" dates that cover the entire month and the allotment charge will then apply itself.