How can I see if an employee completed training?

You can view the status of your employee's training assignments on the Administration tab, under Training.

To get a status report on your employee's training assignments:

  1. Login to
  2. Click the Training tab, then click on the Administration sub-tab
  3. Enter the administration password

Under All Trainees, you will see a list of employees as well as the status of their training assignments. In addition, you can view and print employee training certificates here.

  • On the left side of the page, you will see a section labeled Training Status Chart - this provides a visual summary of your employee's training status. Under this graphic, you will also see the following:

Expired/Expiring Training - A list of employees who may not be compliant because of the time that has lapsed between the last completed training course and today

Training/Policies in Progress - A list of all employees with training courses in Progress

Assigned Training/Policies - A list of all employees with an assigned training course

Training status report