How do I add Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to My SDS?

Adding Safety Data Sheets allows users to easily access frequently used Safety Data Sheets, make notes on those SDS, and use those SDS for creating Chemical Inventories.

In order to add SDS to My MSDS/SDSs:

  1. Navigate to MSDS/SDS Search
  2. Use the Manufacture or Product name to search for your SDS
  3. Choose your product from the results, the product will appear on the right
  4. Ensure that this is the SDS you are searching for
  5. Click add My MSDS/SDSs
  6. You can check your work by clicking the My MSDS/SDSs tab, under #3 on the left side of the screen you should see your product under the heading "My MSDS/SDSs Added Today".

NOTE: In order for the SDS to move from the "Added Today" section to the "MY MSDSs/SDSs", you will need to wait for our overnight cataloging process to take place.