Driver Training

Getting Started: Train drivers on the essentials of the manifest system

Getting Started

Logging in to the driver's portal.

  • Enter the driver's username and the driver's password. Check the box to certify that the vehicle is in park while using this application, and click log-in.
  • Select the route that is being serviced, in this example, we selected NYC Sprinter and click Select.
  • The driver's route for that day will be displayed. On the top of the drivers screen will display all of the customer notes consolidated into an area, the expected items or services for all customers, as well as any office hours noted for all customers.
  • The route date is displayed, which may be changed to display a different day’s route.
  • Clicking the Route Map button will display the expected route planned for that day.
  • The estimated route time and their estimated route distance is displayed.
  • The customers to be serviced are displayed, in optimized order to complete this route in the fastest time possible, along with any office hours that have been added to a customer’s profile. The driver may choose to service customers in any order they choose.


Driver Portal – Creating a customer Manifest or Service Ticket.

After a driver is logged in and selects a truck or route, the customer route list will be displayed.

The customer's list is provided in optimized order, which allows the driver to complete the route in the fastest time possible for that day, however, the driver can choose any customer in the list. In this example, I selected Smiles Dental. The customer’s information is displayed, such as any scheduling notes, service address, their last pickup date, their next service schedule, and the number of service items the driver is expecting to service for that customer.

The driver may:

  • Postpone a stop, and enter the reason for the postponement, and click on Postpone This will now display the postpone symbol on the customer list. The driver can click on that customer at any point to service the customer at another time.
  • Email the office and enter a customer note that will be email to your office
  • Email the customer. The driver may enter information, or this message my be pre-filled in the Manage Manifest Settings and it will display in that driver's screen.
  • Map the customer
  • Create a service manifest, certificate of destruction, or service ticket. By selecting Pick Up.


In the Pick Up section, the driver may:

  • Confirm the customer who is being serviced.
  • If you are using a mobile zebra printer to print customer labels at the customers location, Select print label, choose the number of labels to print, and click print.
  • Change the date that will be applied to the service document, such as the Certificate of destruction or medical waste manifest.
  • Select the items that are serviced, the number of containers, the container type, and the container weight. To add additional items, select on Add Item/Service button. There is no limit to the number of different containers you can select.
  • To scan individual containers, check the Itemized Pickup checkbox, select the container type, tap the Container Serial Number field, and scan the container.
  • Selecting Auto-Scan speeds up the process when you scan multiple containers.
  • Selecting Auto Fill will populate the container type with the last container type used for that serial number.
  • In the Subtype of Waste, the driver may select one or more waste types
  • Pickup Notes may be added to display in the Notes and Approve Manifest sections of the Partner Portal
  • Select Delivery to record service items that you deliver to the customer.

Next, enter in the name of the person who is signing the service ticket, and click on the signature box. This allows the customer to sign directly on the smartphone or tablet.

The driver will sign, and then you click save.

The driver is returned to the service screen, and the completed customer is now in green with a green checkbox.

Your customer will now automatically receive a copy of their Medical Waste Manifest, Certificate of Destruction, or Service ticket, as well as any delivery documents. Your company will also receive an email copy of those documents, and all the information just captured will display in your reporting, and your customers can log in view their manifest or service documents.

Driver Log In

Creating a Manifest and Delivery Ticket

Editing, Transferring, and Collecting an Onsite Payment