How do I create the name for a route or truck?
Trucks or Routes
To add or edit a new truck or route name, click on Manage Manifest, Settings, and then Trucks
On the top right side of the page, click Add New Truck.
Complete the following fields:
- Truck Label is the name you are giving this truck or route. You can change this at any time without affecting a route.
- Select one or more of the types of service for this truck or route.
- Select the start location for this Trucks route. Locations are created in both the Transporter Information and Truck Locations sections.
- Select the end location for this Trucks route.
- Optionally, enter the labor cost per hour, for this route
- Optionally, enter in the cost per mile to operate this truck/route.
The labor and cost per mile are used in the profitability sections of the program.
Click SAVE to keep your changes.
Once a truck has been created, you may deactivate a truck by selecting the truck/route, and unchecking the checkbox Truck is active. Make any changes to a truck/route then click on Save.